
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dental health - how to maintain beautiful smile

Do you want to keep a beautiful smile? You will learn how to achieve it while reading our article.

Care of teeth and mouth

The remains of food found in the oral cavity may give a rise to dental caries. Caries is a disease of the tooth enamel and / or dentin.

So brush your teeth - if possible - after each meal with the paste containing fluoride. Mandatory - at least in the morning and evening before going to sleep.

you do not have a possibility to brush your teeth after eating, rinse mouth with the use of water or chew a gum. Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, that runs two processes, which are important for your teeth, especially after eating.

Saliva neutralizes arising acids arising in the mouth and the remains of food found on the teeth or mouth are washed away thanks of it. Nevertheless, you should use only chewing gum without sugar, because chewing gums with sugar can harm your teeth in a big degree.

During the brushing, the technique is important. Move the brush from the color red (gum) to white (tooth). Hold the brush at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the tooth and move it gently with ambling movements, from the left to the right.

Then clean the teeth towards the crown of the tooth. It is best to clean the inner surfaces of the teeth with the small, circular and ambling movements. You can also ask your dentist to show you which one is the best method to clean the teeth.

You should also use the dental floss on a regular basis. Its application is extremely simple as well as effective. Dental floss allows for a quick and adequate clean of interdental spaces. Dentists recommend daily use of floss.

In morning and evening you should clear your tongue with a second brush or with the special cleaner for the tongue. Thanks of that, you can avoid bacteria and tiny remnants of food, located on the tongue.

For hygienic reasons, you should avoid sharing of a toothbrush with your partner. On your toothbrush, there are germs which may be the carriers of diseases.

After the evening brushing, try not to drink or eat anything.

Treatment of teeth

The another rule is known by everyone, but lots of people ignores it. Twice a year, you should go to the dentist, even, if you do not have a major problems. Your dentist will examine the teeth for dental caries and parodontose.

This disease is a term defining the inflammation of the gums.

The advantage of such visits is that if the earlier problems are detected, the easier it their resolving. In many countries, the National Health Fund covers the dental examinations. Who at least once a year examines their teeth, saves money, even if one day he will need dental prosthesis.

If you want to invest some money on the health of your teeth, take advantage of professional teeth cleaning at the dentist.

While cleaning, there will be removed not only possible hyperchromia , but also the plaque, which can not be removed during tooth brushing.


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