
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Make-Up Foundation Types Which one is suitable for you?

You have beauty, inside! But it's also on the inside, you just haven't found out how to express it! Try your favorite bright color and use it to express yourself!


      It may seem ridiculous, but your actually very pretty! Try to straighten or curl your hair. And find a good shade of blush and eyeshadow to DAB it on your the selected area. Find a cute smile to attract men. And brush your teeth to pearly whites :)

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          * You know you are pretty - learn to accept it! Don't let ANYONE tell you differently.
          * Remember, inner beauty is most important! No matter what, physical beauty will eventually fade.
          * Drink PLENTY of water! Eat nutritious foods such as fish, fruit, veggies, and whole-grains. Your skin will glow.
          * If you have acne-prone skin, do a tea tree oil steam facial. The steam will open up your pores and the tea tree oil will help your acne disappear. Try going in with friends to give each other free "luxurious" spa type treatments occasionally as well.
          * Make sure to wash your face with a cleanser made for your type of skin after doing a steam facial or taking a sauna. After washing your face, apply an oil free moisturizer.
          * For those areas that you remove hair, waxing lasts longer and usually works better. It is best to get waxing done at salons. If the skin on your face is too sensitive to have your eyebrows waxed, get them strung or plucked instead.
          * Make sure that you've been putting on deodorant and lotion, maybe even body spray. It won't only take away a stench if you don't have time to shower, but people will be more likely to want to be around you more! If you sweat a little normal than usual and regular deodorant doesn't cut it, talk to your doctor. There are certain deodorants that aren't too pricey and can stop those dreaded sweat spots! Don't be embarrassed about it-- a lot of people struggle with the same problem.
          * On occasion, try considering a professional hairdresser. The extra money is worth it, and the products they use are better quality. If you're not sure what hair cut looks good on you, ask your stylist what haircuts suit your face shape [i.e. round, oval, square, heart shaped]. Don't be afraid to get wild with that hair! Go for something different that flatters that face of yours!
          * Wear lip gloss! Clear lip gloss usually looks great on everyone. You can also enhance your natural lips with a color similar to your lips.
          * Keep your nails looking nice. When you put your lotion on, don't forget your fingers! Lather some around the nail where your fingers are prone to get hangnails. Get your nails done at least twice a month. Try not to use fake nails too often-- the glue and plastic keep your nails from breathing, causing them to become weak and unhealthy. If you cannot afford constant trips to the salon, do your nails at home. French manicures are not as hard to do as they seem. Keep your cuticles (the half-moon border of the finger to the nail) clean and clear by gently pushing back the cuticle with the cardboard shaft of a cotton swab or other such object. Don’t forget about your toes!
          * Always wash your hair. Keep it shiny and healthy-looking by using the right shampoos. Make sure to use conditioners and anti-frizz serums if you have frizz-prone hair. If you don't want or don't have time to shower in the mornings, shower the night before and do the styling in the morning. This way, you might still have time to take a quick shower with a shower cap (so you don't have to wash your hair).
          * You can braid your hair while its still wet, which creates flirty waves the next morning when you comb it out and brush it, or you can straighten your hair. Brush through your hair and decide how you want to style it. Decide which styles flatter your face's shape the most, and which make you feel good.

            Try your perfumes (if you have them), and see what makes you feel best. Also, you can try body lotions, or body splashes. Ones that tend to make people feel best are shimmery ones. If you do spray yourself with perfume, please do not overdo it. Spritz yourself once or twice on your wrist (it is not a good idea to rub your wrists together because it can change the scent), and then onto your elbows and neck. That creates a hint of scent, which is sexy. To make the perfume last longer, rub a dab of petroleum jelly on the 'hot spots' of your body and then spray the perfume, so the scent will have something to cling to. Hot spots are places that generate a lot of heat and help the perfume smell stronger (located on the inner-wrist, crease of elbow, below the neck and above the chest, behind the ears, and behind the knee). You can also spray perfume on your brush before brushing it through the hair to give it a nice scent.
          * Try to keep a continuous scent throughout the day to avoid mixing scents that clash. Buy body wash/shower gel, lotion, and body mist/body splash/perfume all in the same scent, and shampoo/conditioner as well if possible. Just make sure not to over-do the spray. The others will linger, and the spray should just enhance the smell. Doing this will also make the smell natural.
          * Take care of your lips. Use a medicated chapstick, and add lip gloss when appropriate. If you add petroleum jelly to the lips before taking a hot shower, the jelly will heal cracks, moisturize, and help get rid of those annoying pieces of skin that sometimes hang off the lips.
          * Shoes with heels will make your legs look amazing, but be careful not to wear them too often-- your feet need a break too! You can also wear funky tennis shoes or leather boots (the closer to the knee they are, the longer your leg will appear!)
          * Look at yourself in the mirror. What are your best features? Your legs? Your hair? Your mouth? Your shoulders? Now, think of ways you can enhance those features. For example, if you have great hair, wash it every other day to make it shinier.
          * For long legs, make sure you shave everyday, so you can show off those legs in shorts or skinny jeans (dark colors with no faded areas make them look even longer)! For great shoulders or bone structure, you can wear shirts that show off these features, such as the sweetheart neckline.
          * Take a long, not-too-hot bath every night. It will help you to relax, so you will radiate happiness, and give you a great glow.
          * If you're ever feeling down about how you look, go out to dinner with a few of your friends. Good friends are there to listen, cheer you up, and keep you laughing.
          * If you're happy inside, it'll show up on the outside. Do things you enjoy --- go to a concert, wear purple shoes, make your own jewelry, whatever you like!

            Confidence is one of the sexiest things in the world. Embolden yourself! Keep your posture straight and your head up --- this creates the image that you know exactly who you are, what you want, and where you're going. Wear a different shade of eyeshadow-- it doesn't have to match what you're wearing! Re-decorate your room. Strike up conversations with strangers. Be bold, but don't be careless about it -- know your limits. Know that you are beautiful in your very own unique way, and that being pretty does not have to mean looking like anyone else.
          * Be yourself! Get over jealousy and comparisons to others. See what makes others look good. How do they accentuate the positive? How do they minimize or distract attention from their flaws?
          * Don't worry if you don't have a perfect figure or flawless skin. Beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes! And anyway, real beauty is what's on the inside.
          * If you keep a few black and white things in your wardrobe, you will always have something to go with your other coordinates.
          * Currently, eyebrows that are natural looking are in, but be sure to tweeze strays that go outside the hairline.
          * Do not overdo the glitter and/or makeup, otherwise you will look like a clown!
          * If you're younger, use more natural colors.

            Don't pretend to be someone that you're really not! Being yourself is the greatest thing. When you see yourself in the mirror see how beautiful you look,that will make you feel more confident about your self.
          * Being pretty is something that every girl has inside them, but only YOU can show just how beautiful you really are.
          * Also remember that you should always look beautiful, not just for a guy. Guys love girls that are confident in themselves and content, not easy to get and boy crazy!
          * Don't be scared to try something new. Be bold and daring-- there's that confidence again!
          * Don't try to look or be like someone else, because that is just a waste of the beautiful person you are. Individuality is sexy!
          * Try to feel good and feel pretty, if you feel good and like your body, others will to!
          * Make sure your nails look neat and tidy. Bitten nails aren't very attractive.
          * Learn to carry yourself with confidence.
               1. Let the real you shine. If you like turtles, then wear shirts with turtles on them. Your attitude is a big deal. It is yours, so let it shine. You are beautiful no matter what, and always remember that.
          * Beauty consists of inner beauty and physical beauty. So if you're pretty, you have to have the inner beauty.
          * But Never ever forget to be nice to yourself ( No cutting your self that is perminet) What helped me look better is yoga or breathing exercises It makes your inside feel good and makes you look better on the outside! But just smile and be yourself !


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